Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 094: (Heavily Modified) Makers Diet - Day 09

As part my modification to the diet, if I have guest over for dinner, am the guest of someone else's for dinner, or on a date, the diet is off temporarily. So, last Sunday, I got to enjoy some pizza. Also got to do so on Thursday. Otherwise, it's been a lot of fruits and veggies with few select meats.

I've been walking almost everyday. Really, the only reason I might not walk is because of bad weather. On those days, I try to do pilates. Unfortunately, my busy schedule doesn't really allow for me to do a regular pilates workout, though my schedule is changing, so that may also change.

The schedule change means I can start attending CenterPoint Church again, which is an answer to prayer. However, the whole rest of the schedule change sucks. I've lost every single one of my nights except for two. This is going to put me shooting my short film farther back than I originally hoped to be able to shoot it.

I need some prayer. Prayer that things here at WREG will calm down. Tensions are needlessly high here. I also need to be praying for the people who are above me here instead of complaining about it. So there's that too.

Thanks again.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 086: (Heavily Modified) Makers Diet - Day 01

If you've been paying attention to my facebook wall, you'll notice that I've been walking at least a mile everyday for a few days now. I plan to do so everyday, as well as pick up doing pilates again. If all goes well, I'll be on day one of that today.

You'll notice the title of today's entry says that I'm doing what I'm calling the (Heavily Modified) Maker's Diet. It's modified in the sense that I'm doing this on a budget. No outrageously priced cheese just because it has "organic" written on the package. No fluoride free toothpaste. No free range chicken. Otherwise, it's the Maker's Diet that many of you are already familiar with.

The next six weeks are going to suck.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 073

In an attempt to make this much more realistic, I'm going to scale back my updates to just one a week. I think that the thought of doing this daily is a little overwhelming ans is contributing to why I don't keep up with this more often. Start expecting updates on Friday or Saturday every week.

I'm in Ephesians now. Most of this habit building. To be honest, I feel so drained in other areas of my life that my Bible reading usually amounts to me merely doing the action. I try not to beat myself though. I am improving in this area, even if it's slow. Baby steps.

The exercising has officially fallen off of a cliff. I have many excuses: cold weather, a lot of over time, spending time with Caspian and Melissa. None of these are good excuses, however. The weather is supposed to warm up this weekend. This should get me outside a lot more.

I've started playing words with friends, which has been a nice substitute for something a little more meaty (and pricey) like Brain Age. Look me up if you want to play. PattyCakes1984.

Thanks for checking up on me and for all of your prayers.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 061

God has blessed me tremendously over the last month. I've gotten at least 10 hours of overtime every week in February and the trend will continue at least until the beginning of April. I'm going to be able to get out of debt a lot faster this way. My social life has all but ended and the time I have to spend blogging has been cut, but I'm managing.

I've seriously got to start working out again, but I'm having trouble finding the time to do it. I feel so tired and weak since I've stopped. While I was working out I felt awesome. If anyone has any ideas of how I can still do a little everyday without neglecting my family, I'd love to hear them.

I bought a 16gb micro SD card for my phone so I can start listening to the CenterPoint Podcast. I'm going to listen through the Hebrews series that I have been unable to take part in because I work every Sunday morning. Starting next week I will begin to attend the Refuge on a regular basis. It's not going to replace CenterPoint as my home church, but it will fill a small void in my life. I really need that church fellowship. Thanks to Ryan Sidhom ( and anyone else who has done so) for agreeing to stay on my case about it.

The meetings with Mark Driver have been good. We meet at a Dunkin Donuts every Thursday morning. It's great having some accountability and it's really helped me get into the reading habit.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 050

I really to pick up the pace here.

I've read once in the last week. I have no excuse. I've just been lazy. I've been using the many many hours that I've picked up at work as my excuse, but that's a pretty lame one.

I was sick last week (puking and such) so stopped exercising to rest and get better. I haven't started back up yet. I start again tomorrow.

Please continue to pray for me and encourage me to stay on top of things. This change is going to be difficult.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 032

The working out is really paying off. I feel healthier. I feel stronger. I have more energy. I've lost a little weight. It's painful, but it's good. I'm really looking forward to meeting my goal of being 175lbs again, though that is a ways off.

The reading of god's Word is still sporadic, though getting much better. Meeting with Mark has helped, though we've only had one real meeting. I'm now in 2 Thessalonians. I'm still reading a Proverb a day when I do read, and I've been trying to stay on Philippians 2.

Financially, things are a struggle. But God answers prayer. Scott called me into his office the other day to tell me that he's making some schedule changes for the month of February to help speed up the transition form our current server to our new one. This means I get a guaranteed 10 hours of overtime for the next four weeks, some times more. God is really blessing my family and I.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 026

Worked out today. It sucked, but at the same time, it made me feel really good.

Melissa stared reading Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover. No matter your money situation, I suggest you read this book. It's pretty enlightening. Melissa and I are going to start the process in the next few weeks. I'm guessing here, but I figure that if we stick to the plan, we'll be debt free (except our home mortgage) in two years time. But we'll see about that.

Mark and I are going to meet for the second time on Wednesday morning.

Continue to pray for me.